Saturday, December 4, 2010
Cheshire Cat, Etc.
Lots going on these days ... so we finally finished decorating for Christmas today - and got all of the boxes empty. Very happy about that - and appreciate everyone's help! Daddy did an extra super duper great job in fixing the lights- and of course, bagging the leaves that continue to fall in our yard. Victoria really did a great job in putting the Christmas decorations in the front!
Meanwhile - Ashley is moving out. She has been living with us since the summer and now that she has a great nursing job, and her own car - the next step was her own place - so she's moving into the big bad city of Houston. It's been great having her live with us - and we wish her well in her new adventures. No worries - I'm sure we'll see her plenty :) When she's not working anyway.
Other great news is the announcement of Caitlin's arrival. Who is Caitlin? Well - she is the fabulous foreign exchange student from Australia who will arrive December 26th. We've never had an exchange student from Australia before - so this will be awesome.
Last but never least- Victoria my dear - you played Cheshire Cat in your school play tonight 'Alice in Wonderland'. I think you were amazing. You did a fabulous job. You made your whole costume all by yourself. I love your creativity and your passion and how hard you worked on it all. Now you're going to try out for the Fort Bend Theater tomorrow- and I hope you get a part! Tuesday you get to do your band recital (Flute) - and that is exciting as well. You're so very talented - and I am so very proud!
Love, MAMA
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Mama's New Toy
Mama was tired of driving the mini-van. Daddy likes the mini-van. So daddy bought mama a brand new Toyota Camry - woo hoo. No more black Toyota truck - it's gone. Daddy now drives the mini-van to and from work. Mama does the mama taxi service in her brand new charcoal grey sparkly car that has a moon roof! Yes, small things excite me. I like that I have Bluetooth magic that allows me to call Daddy on the iPhone without using the actual phone ... and I can play the music from my iPhone without any cords! I got a 3 month subscription for free to Satellite Radio. I never knew anything about this before, but I am in love with it already. I even found a kids station and Radio Disney station. More WOO HOO.
The seats are leather and of course it has that nice new car smell. When you got in it for the first time, William, you said 'mama, your new car smells like Macy's!' ... how cute is that?!
James - when I was taking you to pre-school today - you heard daddy's voice over the radio and your cute little face looked so confused. YOU could hear daddy - but you couldn't see him. Then like a good little boy - you shouted 'Hello Daddy' !! Precious!
I love the way it drives. I love the way it looks. I love the way it feels. Basically, I love having a new car .. and thru some genius maneuvering of your father ... he fixed it so all three car seats fit in the back seat and all three of you boys can buckle! Of course Vic gets the front seat - she is 14 yrs old after all.
Victoria - well you, my sweet girl, seem to have this idea that you're going to inherit this car when you get a driver's license. Hmmmm... we shall see about that - but for right now, it's mama's car - and mama is happy!
We'll still be using the mini-van when we all need to ride together - like to Church or parks or picnics or the beach or whatever ... but for the weekday mama taxi service - you'll likely be with me in my sweet Camry!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy 7th Birthday William
So, seven years ago today - wearing a pumpkin t-shirt and pumpkin socks - I gave birth to our first born son, YOU. What a blessing, what an honor. You are such a fabulous kid. You were also the surprise of my life. We had adopted Victoria because I was told I would probably not be able to have kids. HA ! I've since given birth to you and your two brothers!
Did you know I was already 10 weeks along by the time I found out I was pregnant with you, because I didn't really think it was possible, and pretty much just thought my body was going crazy :) So I got a little treat so sweet on Halloween 2003.
There are so many things I love about you. Of course I love you - just for being you. I love your brain and the logical way you think. I love how protective you are of me, and your family. I love how you are so sweet and gentle with James. I love how affectionate you are with me, and how you still crave private time with your mama. I love how you play Chess. You are doing so well in 1st grade. You scores are super high and your teacher says you read way above your age level. I love hearing you read out loud. I could go on and on - but just know you are so very special and I adore every inch of you - inside and out :)
Meanwhile - here are two pics of me wearing the pumpkin t-shirt. One when I was 9 months pregnant, and one today - taken with my iPhone, not great quality - but I am wearing the same Orange shirt I wore 7 yrs ago today! Yeah, it's kinda big on me now, but it's sentimental, so who cares ?!
and of course here is your newborn picture !
I love you William. I am so glad you were born.
Love, MOM
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Follow Your Bliss
Life Lesson Number (insert random number here) ....
I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive.
The way to find out about happiness is to keep your mind on those moments when you feel most happy, when you are really happy — not excited, not just thrilled, but deeply happy. This requires a little bit of self-analysis. What is it that makes you happy? Stay with it, no matter what people tell you.
This is what is called following your bliss.
When you follow your bliss... doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors; and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else. Just follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls that were seen.
Sometimes, we must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us. Your life is the fruit of your own doing. You have no one to blame but yourself.
Life doesn't come with meaning. YOU bring the meaning to it....and those whom you love. The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be. Being alive is the meaning. The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match YOUR nature with God's Nature!
What are you passionate about? Figure it out and follow it relentlessly!
Love, MOM
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Grandpa's Birthday
Today is my daddy's birthday. Your grandpa! He was born in 1942. You do the math if you want :)
He is a great father. We lost my mom when I was just 17 yrs old, and we are very close. We both even got married the same year (1993). I married your father the year Grandpa married Nana Judy! You do the math if you want :)
Your grandpa is a 'tell it like it is' kinda guy. He won't butt into your business, but if you ask his opinion, you better be ready to hear it! He doesn't sugar coat much. He was a plumber for all of his working adult life, commercial plumbing. He is recently retired. He still has a Chevrolet truck he bought when I was 12. I am now 41. You do the math if you want :)
He likes to fish - he likes Suduko puzzles. He likes to work in the garden. He likes to read the paper every day - the real newspaper. He reads books too, novels. I think he still likes Louis Lamor. Not sure how to spell that. He's just recently discovered the internet and email and Facebook, although he rarely uses such. Or maybe he does and he's the stealth stalker type who reads but never comments!
Your grandpa is truly a great guy and has always been a great father to me. He always encouraged me to follow my heart and follow my dreams. When I took off to California at the age of 20 for a new job- - he didn't throw a fuss, he drove with me and flew back home to VA. Yep, me and my daddy drove cross country together from VA to CA!! It was a blast and we did NOT take the short route! When I told him I was getting married to your father - he quickly started talking about plans.
He taught me good work ethic. He hardly ever missed work -and if he did - something was horribly wrong. He was always there for me, and still is - even though we live in TX and he is still in my hometown back in VA. He is truly a family man. He hasn't got a lazy bone in his body. He's the kind of guy who is always eager with a helping hand.
As you know, my maiden name was Oliver and so my dad's name is William Oliver. William, you were named (as our first born son) after grandpa! You know Grandpa must be a cool guy if we named our first born son after him right? Grandpa was there in the hospital, all day long, the day I gave birth to you William.
Anyway, in honor of great dads and grandpas everywhere, here is a picture of my sweet daddy holding sweet William when he was just a baby. The two William Olivers!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Happy 14th Birthday Victoria
Happy Happy Birthday ... this is the 10th birthday of yours that we have celebrated together as a family. We are so blessed to have you as a daughter - - so very thankful that God chose us to be your parents.
You are very gifted with art and music (and cooking) - - and we have started to discover lately that you are also very gifted with photography. In honor of this new found talent and passion - you received a digital camera and book about photography for your birthday (among other goodies).
You've never been much of a cake and icing person - so we celebrated with your all-time favorite dessert - cookies-n-cream pie! So glad you liked it.
And finally - we enjoyed a birthday celebration at the country club. Always love going there with the family.
Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure !
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Dear Victoria!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
An All 10's Kind of Day
Well today is October 10, 2010 - kind of a cool day ... would be a great day to get married or give birth, but I've already done those things, so it was just kind of a ho hum Sunday for your mama.
Allergies are kickin' my butt big time. I even missed Church with the family - man I hate that. I took some generic form of Sudafed called Wal Fed - - and turns out one of the side effects is tingling of the skin. Lovely. Not sure that the medicine has done much for me.
I feel like I'm being punished - it's gorgeous weather outside, and every time I try to go outside with you kids to enjoy it- - my eyes get all itchy and the sneezing attacks begin. Ugh. I managed to walk about 1 mile today after lunch with your father - but man oh man, it seemed like a long mile - a walk I normally do without blinking an eye. Today- it just seemed like a marathon. Yikes.
I am definitely getting sick and tired - - of feeling sick and tired. AND I am SO totally ready to be over it by now. But alas, perhaps I am being taught patience.
At any rate- despite any physical ailments or whining that may creep into my orbit, I am declaring it an all 10's kind of day ... interpret it however you wish!
Love, MOM
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Interesting Article
So - kids - the moral of the story - take care of your body, inside and out ...and never neglect your skin!
Love, MOM
Thursday, September 30, 2010
When Mama's Sick...
It's so nice to see all of you (and your father) come together when mama is sick and to help out. I see Victoria getting folks fed, William filling ice trays, Thomas feeding the dogs, Daddy doing the mama taxi driver routine, putting James to bed, etc. ... I know I am blessed with an amazing family.
And God must have known that I wasn't feeling very well today because he blessed with me little surprises, beyond my helpful family. I had a long lost friend, who is dear to my soul, find me again. We had been out of touch for about five or so years. Love you LISA - so glad to find you again. I was pregnant with Thomas when we last saw each other, and now Thomas is in Kindergarten, if that explains how long it has been. Finding old friends is such a blessing.
Also - a few weeks ago, the best t.v. we had in the house died a smoky death - remember that kids? Well, a lady from Church has a nice flat screen t.v. she is going to sell to us at a very low and reasonable price - so that is a blessing as well. I'm so excited.
Well - mama goes to the doctor tomorrow. Hope it is not as painful as the invoice will be :)
When you're thinking of things to pray about - pray that our family gets health insurance soon. That is definitely something we need.
Anyway - my lovely kids - and amazing husband - thank you for EVERYTHING you do ! Even small things like watering the plants - it makes my day.
Also deserving of honorable mention is your fabulous cousin Ashley who lives with us. She is so very helpful all the time. She works three jobs - and she makes time to pitch in - so make sure you thank Ashley when you see her for all that she does.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Duct Tape, Warts and Vodka - oh my
Check out the following bizarre home cures that really work:
Problem: Warts
Home Cure: Duct Tape
What to Do: Clean the area. Then cut a piece of duct tape to a size slightly bigger than the wart. Apply the duct tape to the site and rub into place. Every 3 days, remove the tape and file down dead skin with a pumice stone or nail file. Repeat until the wart disappears.
How it Works: In a study published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, covering warts with duct tape eliminated them better than freezing them off. In the study, the duct tape eliminated 85 percent of the warts after 2 months, compared with 60 percent with the freezing method. The reason? Chemicals in the tape suffocate and kill the wart.
Problem: Foot Odor
Home Cure: Vodka
What to Do: Wipe your feet down with a vodka-soaked washcloth to get rid of the smell.
Why it Works: Vodka contains alcohol, which is antiseptic and drying, so it destroys odor-causing fungus and bacteria and dries out the moisture that lets these organisms grow.
Problem: Cold Sores
Home Cure: Lemon balm tea
What to Do: Prepare lemon balm tea by brewing 2 to 4 tablespoons of the herb per cup of boiling water. Let it cool, then dot with a cotton ball on the cold sore several times a day.
Why It Works: Cold sores are caused by a herpes simplex virus (HSV). Lemon balm has antiviral properties that work to tame herpes outbreaks.
Problem: Eczema
Home Cure: Olive Oil
What to Do: Apply olive oil directly to the irritated area. Rub 1 teaspoon per square inch of skin, which creates a seal that prevents skin from drying out. For serious cases, cover oil-slathered skin with plastic wrap overnight to lock moisture in.
Why it Works: Olive oil is packed with antioxidants that can reduce the inflammation associated with eczema. Olive oil is actually the base used for many moisturizers. When used alone, it lacks chemical irritants that you may find in store-bought creams.
Problem: Hiccups
Home Cure: Sugar
What to Do: Swallow one teaspoon of sugar (dry) to stop hiccups.
Why it Works: The sugar is believed to modify the nerve muscles that would otherwise tell the muscles in the diaphragm to contract spasmodically and contribute to hiccups.
Problem: Nausea
Home Cure: Lemons
What to Do: At the first hint of nausea, suck on a lemon.
Why it Works: Motion sickness causes you to produce excess saliva, which can make you nauseated. Lemons help dry out your mouth and can help soothe the queasy feeling.
Problem: Stained Teeth
Home Cure: Apples
What to Do: Eat an apple a day.
Why it Works: Apples have a gentle malic acid that works on cleansing tooth enamel and helps dissolve stains.
Problem: Urinary Tract Infections
Home Cure: Baking Soda
What to Do: At the first sign of symptoms, drink a solution made with ¼ teaspoon of baking soda mixed in 8 ounces of water. Continue this once a day until you can get a culture done at a doctor's office and start antibiotics.
Why it Works: Baking soda makes the bladder environment more alkaline, which reduces bacteria's ability to multiply.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Here's an educational lesson for you on this warm and windy Labor Day weekend.
According to wikipedia, the very fabulous and completely entertaining word "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" is an English word, with 34 letters, that was in the song with the same title in the Disney musical film Mary Poppins. The song was written by the Sherman Brothers, and sung by Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke.
According to Richard M. Sherman, co-writer of the song with his brother, Robert, the word was created by them in two weeks, mostly out of double-talk.
The roots of the word have been defined as follows: super- "above", cali- "beauty", fragilistic- "delicate", expiali- "to atone", and docious- "educable", with the sum of these parts signifying roughly "Atoning for educability through delicate beauty." Although the word contains recognizable English morphemes, it does not follow the rules of English morphology as a whole. The morpheme -istic is a suffix in English, whereas the morpheme ex- is typically a prefix; so following normal English morphological rules, it would represent two words: supercalifragilistic and expialidocious. The pronunciation also leans towards it being two words since, the letter c doesn't normally sound like a k when followed by an e, an i or a y.
Meanwhile; according to the 1964 Walt Disney film, it is defined as "something to say when you have nothing to say".
So all of this to bring me to the main point of this blog; which is this:
I really can't think of anything to say :)
SO I'll just say this - happy Labor day weekend - mama loves ya !
Oh- and PS: We are very excited about our new foreign exchange student who arrived quite early Saturday morning -Elva - from Taiwan! She is fabulous!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
My kids are amazing
VICTORIA: You are so talented and gifted with art and music (oh, and cooking too). I love the way you play the piano and it may not seem like it sometimes- but I really do love the way you play. I cannot wait to get you some private lessons. I love your generous heart and caring spirit. I love your energy - even the hyper-mode energy - life is never boring with Victoria in the house! I am eager for you to make me some of your famous Salmon soon. I love the way you embrace the foreign exchange students. I love your empathetic soul. I love your compassion for others. I also love that you are willing to try almost anything once, including foods. You tend towards the healthy side of life, and that is awesome. I love that you are already thinking and talking about college. You have goals and dreams and you are going to SOAR!!
WILLIAM: You are my thoughtful thinker. Your Sunday School teacher told me that you are so fast and thorough in your work. Those two things don't normally go together...but with you - they do. I love how you can be so serious and focused when it's needed, but goofy and silly when you're having fun. You are so good at putting the couch back together. You are an awesome Chess player - among other board games. You read very well. You're very good at getting dressed, picking out your clothes and being responsible. You are so good to your mama - very loyal and protective, and so very loving and sweet (but only in private). I love how protecting you are about baby James. I love how you miss your sister when she's gone. I love how you love sharing a room with Thomas and like to sleep with your heads towards each other.
THOMAS: You smile with your whole face. You light up a room with your charisma and charm. You are so very social and outgoing. You like to take care of animals and you take good care of friends. You're very crafty, always making pictures or projects. You leave notes on the neighbor's door. You like to water our plants. You are so observant, you are always the first of all the children to notice any change or anything different. You are also very thoughtful and like to make other people happy. I love watching you do your goofy dance and make your funny faces. I love how you like to put away the silverware. I also love how you love your baby brother James and play silly games with him.
JAMES: You are my baby, but you don't seem to believe or know that you are a baby. You think you are a big boy, just like your older brothers. You are just now learning to talk and saying things. I love how active you are. I love the way you straighten out your body like a surfboard and slide down the stairs. I love how you kiss me - with purpose - and intention. I love how you smile and laugh. I love how you close your eyes tight when I tell you 'NO' - as if I can't see you anymore or something. I love how you tell Victoria to 'GET UP' in the morning. It's so cute. I love how you RUN to your nursery classroom at Church. You know exactly where to go. I love how you like taking showers -very unusual for a baby. I love how you play and splash at the pool. I think you were made for the water. Surely you are part fish! I love how you seem to love everyone in the house.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Okay - SO I finally did it. I applied to college and sat thru a 2 hour orientation. Now I just have to pray that I get my financial aid in order and my previous college transcripts ordered in time before classes start August 30th.
It is my goal to become a certified personal trainer and registered dietitian !
I'm nervous and scared and excited all at the same time. I am tired just thinking about it, but hopefully I can get done before any of you start college, huh? :) I'm hoping to get done before sweet baby James starts Kindergarten.
So wish me luck, pray for me and rub my shoulders when I feel stressed!
Love, MOM
Sunday, July 25, 2010
R a N d O m !
Here are my top ten random thoughts floating around in my head right now...
1. We very much enjoyed a small group Church fellowship gathering last night. Even all of your boys loved it.
2. Your 26 year old cousin Ashley who just graduated nursing school has recently moved in with us to make a new life here in Houston. She is energetic and industrious so I am optimistic.
3. A foreign exchange student from Russia - who is 15 - will arrive August 3rd and she will share a room with Victoria and live with us for 10 months.
4. I think I'm Anemic.
5. Our teacup sized puppy named 'Margarita' died. Very sad.
6. Absolutely loved seeing the movie 'Inception' with Victoria.
7. I have not lost any more weight lately. I have not gained either. Time to shake things up a little bit.
8. When you kids go back to school in August - so will I. I am going back to college as a full time student.
9. We are in the midst of painting all the walls in our house. I love the new color. It makes me smile.
10. Things are going very well in our family.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Absent -not forgotten
So sorry I have not been keeping up with this blog nearly the way I intended to. Too busy living life to write about life, I guess.
Yesterday I had a whirlwind adventure. I drove about 5 hours by myself to Mansfield, TX to pick up your cousin Ashley who is 26 years old. She is my brother's 1st daughter. She just graduated nursing school and will be looking for a job here in Houston. So exciting to have her staying with us for a bit. After I picked her up, we got a little lost on the way back, so it took more like 6 hours to get home, instead of 5. OH well - we called it an adventure.
Meanwhile, your father has finished his MBA and that is very exciting. Now he has more time to work on household projects - like PAINTING. Yes, we are in the midst of painting every wall. We have a lot done so far - a nice shade of light green - but more work to do. We have been re-arranging furniture and throwing stuff out and giving things away. Woo hoo for de-cluttering.
And speaking of giving things away - OH sweet James - you hit a milestone. We gave away your crib and you now sleep in a big boy bed. Yay! You do it so well too, you are an awesome sleeper, always have been. I thank God for you every day (and your awesome sleeping habits).
At this moment, as I type - your father has taken all of you kids to the Galleria mall, and I am here all by myself. I must say, it's kinda quiet. I need to get some work done- so much to do. Best get busy and take advantage of my solitude.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Personality Profile
I took an online personality profile type test. It was exhausting, but interesting, nonetheless. Here is what it had to say. I'd be curious some day to hear your thoughts on how accurate, or inaccurate, you find this to be. It was broken down into categories. I wanted to record it somewhere, and figured this is as good a place as any.
On the Agreeableness Dimension: You are best described as: USUALLY TAKING CARE OF OTHERS
Words that describe you:
A General Description of How You Interact with Others
Here's one important truth about you: you have a tender heart. Yes, you know that others need to learn to take care of themselves. Yes, you know they need to accept the consequences of their foolish or bad behavior. And sometimes, even when your instinct is to help them, you will let them fend for themselves and let them suffer the consequences of their choices or circumstances.
But most of the time you are there to help when they need you. If they are in trouble, you offer compassion and go out of your way to be helpful. If they need someone who will listen, you are trustworthy and sympathetic. And you are direct with them; when they need advice or counsel, you offer it in a straightforward, direct manner, without beating around the bush.
You're also smart enough to know that you cannot take good care of others if you fail to take good care of yourself, so you listen to your own wants and needs. If you've run out of sympathetic energy, you spend time restoring yourself. If you've ignored your own pain or frustration, you find a friend who will listen well, or go into your own private healing place and give yourself permission to focus on you.
But before long, you're back at it with your friends, offering a sympathetic ear and compassion on which they learn to trust, also giving straightforward advice and counsel when they ask for it. You do know how to take care of yourself, but your genuine interest is in taking care of others.
On the Openness Dimension you are: CURIOUS
Words that describe you:
A General Description of How You Approach New Information and Experiences
You think like an artist. Or better, you SEE like an artist. While most people look at life's straight lines, its height and depth and width, you're bending the lines with your imagination and turning black and white into shades of blue and yellow. And in conversations at work or with your friends you want to ask, "Do you see what I see?" A few might, most don't, but you've piqued everyone's curiosity with your own original and inventive ways of thinking.
You can, if you must, think in conventional ways. But left on your own, you'll usually opt for the eccentric or avant-garde; in fact you're usually bored with what everyone else is comfortable with. You learn from reading, talking, watching people and other fauna and flora, and simply sitting in the soft chair of your mind and wondering how people would learn how to count if they could only use uneven numbers. You are out in front of conventional ideas, bravely originally defining true and false, right and wrong, the good, the bad and the ugly.
On the Emotional Stability dimension you are: VERY RESPONSIVE
Words that describe you:
A General Description of Your Reactivity
Each one of us encounters some hard times; we get caught off guard, or feel a sudden swell of emotion, whether from fear, joy, anger or sadness. Life is just like this sometimes. You know that because you are an emotional person. Some people go to great lengths to keep their emotions under wraps, to keep a stiff upper lip, to not let others know what emotions they are feeling. But that is not you. You embrace all of life's emotions, both the joys and the turmoil that life brings our way.
When you're having fun with a group of friends you don't even try to contain your pleasure; you laugh hard and feel every moment of the conversation because of the joy that comes from the experience. You make very intense friendships; ones where all of the depth of emotions that you feel can be shared. Emotions are such an essential part of your everyday life. You may cry at intense movies or when watching a sad story on the evening news. You get angry, at others or at yourself, and you do not stifle it. Emotions drive your personality and your relationships - you simply are what you feel.
You experience both the highs and the lows more profoundly than most. And you usually relish the intensity of your emotions. For sure you enjoy the positive times. There are those times, though, when your feelings get the best of you and you wonder how you will manage the moment. But because you are so in tune with all of your emotions you will experience something very pleasant and will be able to engage with that positive feeling to again enjoy the wonderful intensity that life brings you.
Your approach toward your obligations is: FLEXIBLE
Words that describe you:
Somewhat Disorganized
Unpredictable At Times
A General Description of How You Interact with Others
When there's a job to be done, like most people you want to know what the goal is and when it's to be completed. For you, that's a start. Next you want to know what the plan is to get to the goal. So you lay out a plan, or at least the major points of a plan: "Organize the kitchen sometime this spring" or "Get the project at work done as soon as possible." You don't need an in-depth specification of every little detail; in fact you prefer not to work that way. You lay out your goals, develop a general plan, and then you get things done.
You believe in intuition as well as organization. As such, you trust impulses as much as strategies and you value spontaneity as much as you do efficiency. In a word, you like to keep it flexible. When you set out to accomplish a task, you prefer to have some room to maneuver. Like an artist, you find that the best way to reach a goal is not always in a straight line. Some of the most productive times for you are the unplanned moments of inspiration and creativity that just come to you. While you do keep to a general plan, those times of pure vision and originality are what really drive you.
Some of the people who rely completely on an organized approach to getting things done may be surprised at your efficiency. But there is a definite method to your approach. With a creative flair that others may not have anticipated, the original plan gets met and there are often a few extra accomplishments along the way. Your comfort zone starts with a task and a plan but it also requires the freedom to be able to go with your instincts and impulses so that you can not just accomplish the task, you also have the option to explore something brand new along the way.
When it comes to Extraversion you are: OUTGOING
Words that describe you:
Full of Life
A General Description of How You Interact with Others
People light you up. In conversations, planning meetings or almost any social situation, you bring your energy and your friendly, outgoing personality into these engagements with other people, and you come away pumped up. You can hardly wait for the next event, as long as other people will be there. And you're good at it.
You know how to communicate. You listen well, the first rule of good communication, and then, when it's your turn, you talk vigorously and with animation; in your uninhibited way you give all that you've got to the encounter.
In situations where you feel very safe, when you know and trust the people you're with, you can be very kindhearted and unrestrained. You let your affection for and pleasure in being with others flow freely. You're wide open And when you get back this same kind of unrestrained warmth, you are deeply satisfied. Because you are so friendly and full of life, these are among your favorite moments.
Friday, May 14, 2010
The Happy Column...
On this day in history, May 14, 1987 - I attended my mother's funeral. Kind of depressing, I know. Been thinking about her a lot lately. I know it's been a lot of years since she passed away, but I think that losing your mother is something that pretty much stays with you. Hopefully you will not have to worry about that for a very LONG time :)
I've been trying to envision or imagine what she would be saying to me during these difficult times we are experiencing, with your Father leaving and our divorce. I've been trying to think about what her advice would be. In some ways I can - but in some ways, not - because I wasn't even an adult when she died. I never related to her as an adult, only as a child and teen.
One thing that she did say a lot - which is timeless and applicable in most situations - is this: At the end of your life you will have two columns, one column will be called 'happy minutes' and the other column will be 'unhappy minutes'. Each column will have a total of the minutes you spent in each. Just remember that while you are entitled to be sad, angry, upset, disappointed, etc. - as these are all normal emotions and part of life - how LONG you stay in those emotions is your choice. So for every minute that is spent in the 'unhappy column' - it steals minutes from the 'happy column'. At the end of your life, you want to make sure that the happy column wins!
So - here's to making sure that our happy column is not robbed today!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Mama's Ordeal Yesterday
But the fact remains we are uninsured. Because of this - we try to find the most inexpensive route possible to take care of our family's needs. Yesterday, I woke up with a raging ear infection. It was REALLY bad, probably the worst pain I have felt in many years. Victoria - you were so sweet when you came in and kissed me goodbye before school while I was in bed all miserable.
Now, your daddy is a consultant and when he does not work, he does not get paid, so it is a big deal for him to take off work. My pain was so bad I had to ask him to stay home with you kids so I could find a doctor, etc. Our regular doctor, whom I love and adore (Tayma Shaya) is off on Mondays and I really could not wait or make Daddy take off again on Tuesday - so I started a search for a walk-in clinic.
I made some calls to local clinics to try and find the cheapest place. The cheapest one, which was pretty close by, said it was slow and to come on in. I drove over there to find that the waiting room had no empty chairs and the parking lot full. So I left and went to another clinic that is suppose to be good for cash paying folks. I go in there and she says you cannot be seen unless you 'register' and the waiting room to register had over an hour wait, and even if you register, there is no guarantee you'd get an appointment with a doctor. Ugh - so I called the little clinic inside Wal-mart ... and the guy said he is the only one there and he was going to lunch. So I ended up going to the clinic in Kroger, even though their visit fee was the highest of all aforementioned.
So I go into Kroger and she examines me. She said my ear infection was one of the worst she's seen and I have dark, twisty narrow ear canals. I go to pay and realize I have left my wallet at home. Ugh. Yes, even mama can be flaky sometimes, especially if she's sick. So this doctor is kind and she said I can go home and get it. I drive home, get the wallet and go back to pay. She then says she wants to 'show' my ear to her colleague because it is so bad her colleague could learn from it. Twenty more minutes of them twisting and poking my ear with the little light thingy. Finally, she writes me two prescriptions.
I walk over to the Kroger Pharmacy to have them filled, one is for drops and the other is an antibiotic. Pharmacist says I need to wait 20-30 minutes. SO I sit and wait. As I am paying for it, I just happened to say 'my ear thanks you' and she shrieks 'WAIT, your EAR?' I said, 'yes', and she literally rips the bag out of my hand and says I'll be back. I see this girl fly over to the clinic and then go talk to another Pharmacy guy and 15 minutes later finally returns with my bag and says the doctor wrote the scrip for EYE drops instead of EAR drops. Ugh. 10 more minutes I must wait. Oh - and here is the kicker - the ear drops cost $26 more dollars than the eye drops so I have to pay more money.
SO I finally pay the extra money and get the new and improved prescription, and I asked her as I was leaving - 'so what would have happened if I had put eye drops in my ears?'. You know what she says - 'NOTHING! She said that it is the same medicine just that eye drops are slightly milder than ear drops'. Are you kidding me? ALL of that extra waiting and extra money for something that would have worked in the 1st place? Seriously? Yes, even moms can get frustrated. But I remembered that I am a Christian woman who gives people the benefit of the doubt, and just smiled and said 'thank you'.
I think the doctor KNEW that she prescribed me eye drops and did it on purpose to save me money because she knows I have no insurance and I'm tight with my dollars. I think the Pharmacist was just trying to get all the extra bucks she could. Maybe I'm wrong but the way she handled the whole thing just really annoyed me - especially given that I was in extreme pain thru this entire ordeal.
All I can say is God Bless your daddy who took care of James all day and did the minivan taxi service for you other kiddos. So I apologize to you my sweet and beautiful children if I was anything other than patient and bubbly yesterday. In years gone by, I'm sure you probably won't even remember yesterday - but I know I will - because my husband and kiddos were so super kind to me and it made all the difference.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Wonder Woman

Now some may argue that as a grown-up, married mother of four who runs a household and works for a non-profit organization and keeps up with 2 dogs and 2 cats ... that I may indeed have achieved my Wonder Woman status :) (tee hee) ... but alas, I do not look anything remotely like her, and shall not be wearing any such costume, not even to the beach.
And you know what, that's okay. I like me, as is. I am a work in progress of course - constantly learning and striving to be healthier.
I no longer have a desire to be wonder woman,
I'm thinking I want to be longevity woman!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Always Read Your Proverbs
"Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy."
Saturday, February 13, 2010
17 Years Ago Today

Dear Kids:
So, tonight the church is having a 'Parents Night Out' kind of thing where we can leave all of you kids from 5-9pm - - and we get to go on a date. How cool is that?

Hope you all get to have a fabulous time as well. Think I'll put a photo in here - a blast from the past :) We had a simple and modest wedding. (Perfect in every way)
Monday, February 1, 2010
February Challenge
I've heard it said that it takes about 21 days to form a habit, or break a habit. So I gave myself some time today to consider what habit I'd like to conquer in February.
I also read in one of the SparkPeople articles that you actually burn more gas sitting in the drive thru, and it's better for the Earth and better for your wallet and better for your body if you park and get out of the car and go inside to do your business. Drive-thru convenience is not just limited to fast food chains - we now have drive thru convenience for our dry cleaners and the banks and ATM's and all sorts of things.
So as for me and my bold self ... I am going to commit to 28 days of NO Drive-Thru. Do you know how hard this will be for me? James, you are HEAVY, like 30 pounds. I love the drive thru idea because it means I don't have to get out of the car and haul you inside to do something that will just take a few minutes. Lord knows I'd never leave you in the car alone, not even for a minute. But to look at it another way; how much better for my body and the Earth will it be for me to get out and walk and carry you or push you in the stroller to take care of my business.
So, wish me luck kiddos, this will be a hard one for me to conquer, but I am making this commitment in front of God and everybody - no drive-thru in February - no matter how cold it may be :)
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Family Fitness

Dear Kids:
Today is an exciting day. Yesterday, we officially joined Lifetime Fitness and will thus cancel our YMCA membership. We went there this morning, the entire family, got our pictures taken and our membership cards. So exciting. Daddy did a fit assessment. Mama was suppose to, but the trainer was sick - so will reschedule. Victoria - you, my dear, are a great little workout partner.
Also - this afternoon - we had a shopping spree at The Academy. Victoria, William and Thomas - you all got brand new bikes. Then we also bought bike parts to try and fix mama's bike and Daddy's bike. Mine needed a pedal, his needed wheels
Additionally, mama got a watch/heart rate monitor - it's even pink. I love this thing. At any time, I can push a button and see what my heart rate is. It even has an alarm I can set should the need arise.
So, today was a great day in our efforts towards family fitness. Can't wait to do some family bike riding together. We even have a baby carrier for James :)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Victoria's New Haircut

Dear Victoria...
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Lessons from baby James
1. He only eats when he is hungry.
2. He stops eating when he is full.
3. He is willing to try new foods.
4. He takes naps :)
5. If he can't get thru one way, he finds another way.
6. If he falls down, he gets up.
7. He's not afraid to get messy.
8. He walked before he ran.
9. He loves to laugh.
10. He loves adventure.