Saturday, January 23, 2010

Family Fitness

Dear Kids:

Today is an exciting day. Yesterday, we officially joined Lifetime Fitness and will thus cancel our YMCA membership. We went there this morning, the entire family, got our pictures taken and our membership cards. So exciting. Daddy did a fit assessment. Mama was suppose to, but the trainer was sick - so will reschedule. Victoria - you, my dear, are a great little workout partner.

Also - this afternoon - we had a shopping spree at The Academy. Victoria, William and Thomas - you all got brand new bikes. Then we also bought bike parts to try and fix mama's bike and Daddy's bike. Mine needed a pedal, his needed wheels smile

Additionally, mama got a watch/heart rate monitor - it's even pink. I love this thing. At any time, I can push a button and see what my heart rate is. It even has an alarm I can set should the need arise.

So, today was a great day in our efforts towards family fitness. Can't wait to do some family bike riding together. We even have a baby carrier for James :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Victoria's New Haircut

Dear Victoria...

I had a fun afternoon with you yesterday. First, we went and got our hair cut together .. and then we went to see a movie. You were very nervous about getting your hair cut short, and it took the stylist quite a while to figure out what you wanted. When all was said and done though, I think it turned out quite nicely. I posted the picture to Facebook ... and so many people think it is completely adorable. I had fun hanging out with you - just us girls :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lessons from baby James

Lessons to be learned from my baby:

1. He only eats when he is hungry.
2. He stops eating when he is full.
3. He is willing to try new foods.
4. He takes naps :)
5. If he can't get thru one way, he finds another way.
6. If he falls down, he gets up.
7. He's not afraid to get messy.
8. He walked before he ran.
9. He loves to laugh.
10. He loves adventure.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

Dear Kids ... sorry I have been absent from this blog effort. Guess I'm so busy being a mom, I don't always make time for the BLOG :)

Today is the first day of 2010 - a new decade some say. We have had wonderful holidays as a family. We have really enjoyed this holiday season, just us. We didn't have anyone over, we didn't go anywhere or travel ... it was really nice.

Victoria - I think the highlight of your Christmas was your scooter ... one thing you wished for, and of course, was fulfilled. You also received some very thoughtful and wonderful gifts from our family and distant friends who are like family. A beautiful music note necklace, a dragonfly charm, the beloved lemon drops from Grandma, skinny jeans, etc.

William - you are a happy boy and becoming more and more helpful all the time. You were really wishing for a transformer for Christmas, and alas - the wish came true. You have also been enjoying the zip track and board games. You just LOVE Hungry Hungry Hippos.

Thomas - you are a charming soul and I love the way Christmas just beamed in your eyes. You had wished very hard for another pillow pet and 'kitchen set'. Santa was a bit confused as to what exactly a kitchen set was, but he came through - and you got a toy microwave and a sunshine market thingy that delighted your heart. You also got the beloved duck pillow pet. I was so touched when Victoria had a sleepover and you let her borrow it, it was even your idea. You are so sweet and generous.

James - you are growing and growing and babbling and babbling - more and more every day. Your big ticket item this Christmas was a rocking horse, but of course, you don't want anything to do with it. Everytime we try to put you on it, you cry. Oh well. You are far more interested in the plastic pots and spoons from Discovery Toys, surely your favorite pastime - playing with pots. Real or plastic, does not matter.

Mama was VERY appreciative of some clothes that arrived in the mail from various sources. Clothes and pajamas and socks - all much needed items !

All in all - it has been a good holiday season and I am eager for the New Year's blessings.