Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy 7th Birthday William

Dear William:

So, seven years ago today - wearing a pumpkin t-shirt and pumpkin socks - I gave birth to our first born son, YOU. What a blessing, what an honor. You are such a fabulous kid. You were also the surprise of my life. We had adopted Victoria because I was told I would probably not be able to have kids. HA ! I've since given birth to you and your two brothers!  

Did you know I was already 10 weeks along by the time I found out I was pregnant with you, because I didn't really think it was possible, and pretty much just thought my body was going crazy :) So I got a little treat so sweet on Halloween 2003. 

There are so many things I love about you.  Of course I love you - just for being you.  I love your brain and the logical way you think.  I love how protective you are of me, and your family.  I love how you are so sweet and gentle with James. I love how affectionate you are with me, and how you still crave private time with your mama. I love how you play Chess.  You are doing so well in 1st grade.  You scores are super high and your teacher says you read way above your age level.  I love hearing you read out loud.  I could go on and on - but just know you are so very special and I adore every inch of you - inside and out :)

Meanwhile - here are two pics of me wearing the pumpkin t-shirt.  One when I was 9 months pregnant, and one today - taken with my iPhone, not great quality - but I am wearing the same Orange shirt I wore 7 yrs ago today! Yeah, it's kinda big on me now, but it's sentimental, so who cares ?!

and of course here is your newborn picture !
I love you William.  I am so glad you were born.

Love, MOM

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Follow Your Bliss

Dear Kids:

Life Lesson Number (insert random number here) ....

I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive.

The way to find out about happiness is to keep your mind on those moments when you feel most happy, when you are really happy — not excited, not just thrilled, but deeply happy. This requires a little bit of self-analysis. What is it that makes you happy? Stay with it, no matter what people tell you.

This is what is called following your bliss.

When you follow your bliss... doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors; and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else. Just follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls that were seen.

Sometimes, we must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us. Your life is the fruit of your own doing. You have no one to blame but yourself.

Life doesn't come with meaning. YOU bring the meaning to it....and those whom you love. The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be. Being alive is the meaning. The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match YOUR nature with God's Nature!

What are you passionate about? Figure it out and follow it relentlessly!

Love, MOM

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Grandpa's Birthday

Dear Kids

Today is my daddy's birthday. Your grandpa! He was born in 1942. You do the math if you want :)

He is a great father. We lost my mom when I was just 17 yrs old, and we are very close. We both even got married the same year (1993). I married your father the year Grandpa married Nana Judy! You do the math if you want :)

Your grandpa is a 'tell it like it is' kinda guy. He won't butt into your business, but if you ask his opinion, you better be ready to hear it! He doesn't sugar coat much. He was a plumber for all of his working adult life, commercial plumbing. He is recently retired. He still has a Chevrolet truck he bought when I was 12. I am now 41. You do the math if you want :)

He likes to fish - he likes Suduko puzzles. He likes to work in the garden. He likes to read the paper every day - the real newspaper. He reads books too, novels. I think he still likes Louis Lamor. Not sure how to spell that. He's just recently discovered the internet and email and Facebook, although he rarely uses such. Or maybe he does and he's the stealth stalker type who reads but never comments!

Your grandpa is truly a great guy and has always been a great father to me. He always encouraged me to follow my heart and follow my dreams. When I took off to California at the age of 20 for a new job- - he didn't throw a fuss, he drove with me and flew back home to VA. Yep, me and my daddy drove cross country together from VA to CA!! It was a blast and we did NOT take the short route! When I told him I was getting married to your father - he quickly started talking about plans.

He taught me good work ethic. He hardly ever missed work -and if he did - something was horribly wrong. He was always there for me, and still is - even though we live in TX and he is still in my hometown back in VA. He is truly a family man. He hasn't got a lazy bone in his body. He's the kind of guy who is always eager with a helping hand.

As you know, my maiden name was Oliver and so my dad's name is William Oliver. William, you were named (as our first born son) after grandpa! You know Grandpa must be a cool guy if we named our first born son after him right? Grandpa was there in the hospital, all day long, the day I gave birth to you William.

Anyway, in honor of great dads and grandpas everywhere, here is a picture of my sweet daddy holding sweet William when he was just a baby. The two William Olivers!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Happy 14th Birthday Victoria

Dear Victoria!

Happy Happy Birthday ... this is the 10th birthday of yours that we have celebrated together as a family.   We are so blessed to have you as a daughter - - so very thankful that God chose us to be your parents.

You are very gifted with art and music (and cooking) - - and we have started to discover lately that you are also very gifted with photography.   In honor of this new found talent and passion - you received a digital camera and book about photography for your birthday (among other goodies).

You've never been much of a cake and icing person - so we celebrated with your all-time favorite dessert - cookies-n-cream pie!  So glad you liked it.

And finally - we enjoyed a birthday celebration at the country club.   Always love going there with the family.

Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure !

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dear Victoria!

You are my angel - and you are glowing.  YOU are an amazing daughter - and I do think that is appropriate that I tell you, as often as possible.

Just so ya know !

Love, MOM

Sunday, October 10, 2010

An All 10's Kind of Day

Dear Kids:

Well today is October 10, 2010 - kind of a cool day ... would be a great day to get married or give birth, but I've already done those things, so it was just kind of a ho hum Sunday for your mama.

Allergies are kickin' my butt big time.   I even missed Church with the family - man I hate that.  I took some generic form of Sudafed called Wal Fed - - and turns out one of the side effects is tingling of the skin. Lovely.  Not sure that the medicine has done much for me.  

I feel like I'm being punished - it's gorgeous weather outside, and every time I try to go outside with you kids to enjoy it- - my eyes get all itchy and the sneezing attacks begin.   Ugh.   I managed to walk about 1 mile today after lunch with your father - but man oh man, it seemed like a long mile - a walk I normally do without blinking an eye.  Today- it just seemed like a marathon.   Yikes.

I am definitely getting sick and tired - - of feeling sick and tired.  AND I am SO totally ready to be over it by now. But alas, perhaps I am being taught patience.

At any rate- despite any physical ailments or whining that may creep into my orbit, I am declaring it an all 10's kind of day ... interpret it however you wish!

Love, MOM

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Interesting Article

How to Tighten up Loose Skin After Weight Loss |

So - kids - the moral of the story - take care of your body, inside and out ...and never neglect your skin!

Love, MOM