Friday, June 5, 2009

An Astro's Game

Dear William and Thomas ....

Daddy and I had so much fun with you last night at Minute Maid Park in Houston - watching the Astro's play baseball. Yes, they lost the game - but that's okay. The seats were awesome and the weather was great ... and you boys really seemed to enjoy the whole adventure.

I was a bit worried in the morning because it seemed like neither one of you were very excited about the idea of going to a major league baseball game. I soon realized it's because you have no vivid memory of ever going before (you were much smaller when we went in the past). So I had to talk it up by promising Burger King for dinner on the way; and cotton candy once we got there. Somehow that seemed to spark interest. Then it was all I heard about - all day long.

So it was time to go - Daddy was home - and we were all in the car buckled up. Ten seconds later I hear - are we there yet? Typical - so classic of small children.

Once we arrived - it was so cute to watch you boys stand in perfect silence and put your hands on your hearts for the national anthem. I just loved that image of you ... it is one that will be etched in my brain, for sure.

You boys got so messy with your cotton candy - and were so excited by all the commotion and the atmosphere. There was a playground park area that also needed our time and attention. You loved posing for the pictures. Every time music would play - Thomas; you would just start dancing. It was precious. In the hallway, on the way while we were walking - you were dancing and some strange guy just started dancing with you. It was priceless.

Thomas - you kept chatting up the old ladies sitting behind us. You talked to them just about the whole game - and they thought you were so adorable and so cute. Of course - William - you put your foot in your mouth. One of those ladies was eating peanuts and throwing her shells on the ground - and you said quite loudly "HEY MAMA, that old lady is throwing her peanuts on the floor!". Luckily - she was gracious and did not seem too offended.

The main thing you wanted from our baseball experience were the foam fingers. FOR the longest time, I could not find any. Then, finally - after we were on our way out - we decided to check out the Club area because we had passes. Alas - we found the foam fingers. You boys were quite thrilled at the purchase of such silly things!

My favorite part - though - was in the car - on the way home. Out of the blue, without prompting, William says "Thank you mama for taking us to the game". Then Thomas followed so sweetly with "Thank you Mama for taking us to Astros". Then you two fell asleep. It was so sweet. I loved that one of your last thoughts before passing out was to make sure you thanked us for the evening.

I love you boys - I'm glad we got to enjoy a baseball game together.

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