Thursday, June 25, 2009


Dear Kids ...

It is HOT here in Texas. I know that you know that already - but let me tell you - it is HOT. I normally like to walk around the neighborhood with you all, push the baby stroller - go to parks and play on playgrounds .... but not this week. This week, it's been inside at the YMCA or outside at the pool for our fun.

Today - we did have Aunt Danyelle and her crew come over and play. I must say you spent most of the time indoors. We do enjoy when you get to socialize with your cousins. It is so nice to have them living nearby.

Meanwhile, we had a bit of blood to deal with today. James, in your attempt to perfect your walking skills - fell down. You busted your lip. Lots of blood. And Thomas - you seem to get a lot of nose bleeds. Not sure why - but tonight's nose bleed was the worst one yet. Hopefully no other children will be bleeding tonight.

Today was a big day in the news - not that you all care much about news - but two famous people died today ... Farah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. I am sure you don't even know who those people are; but mommy and daddy do. It is kind of weird to have two VERY famous people die on the same day for totally unrelated reasons.

Anway - it's been a day - a HOT day at that. And then God sprinkled us with a little evening shower just now. Nothing major, no storm - just a couple of clouds a bit of mist from the sky. It was welcomed, believe me.

Thanks for being great kids.

Love You - MAMA

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A lot has been happening

Dear Kids...

A lot has been happening! For starters, my baby James - you have been sick! You had the croup. It was really scary. You could hardly breathe and you had fevers ! Daddy took you to the doctor and got you some meds and a shot. You showed them - when the doctor gave you a shot - you pooped all over the table. Yikes. You seem a bit better now; but still pretty needy and clingy; and wanting to be held a lot. I figure you're entitled.

Today is Father's day. We have been trying to spoil daddy a little bit. Even though - he did make us breakfast; because it is his specialty! Well, and dinner too for that matter. We gave him a pack of sunflower seeds to plant as well as a nice hat to do his gardening with - it has UPF protection. We also all went out as a family and bought a banana tree for planting! It was SO hot, we were all drenched in sweat.

Yesterday - we had fun at Brazos Bend State Park. The whole family went for a walk on a nature trail. It was a short walk - but plenty long considering the heat. We saw things like baby ducks, a baby Alligator, turtles and such. It was rather exciting if you ask me. Then William and Thomas - you did great playing on the playground. Victoria - my little monkey - you climbed trees and vines like I've never seen! It was awesome. I even took pictures.

I also had fun yesterday evening with you Victoria and William and Thomas - as we went to the pool at the YMCA. The weather was perfect and I got in tons of exercising swimming after you all and having fun.

Speaking of fun in the water - last week, we had our first family beach day of the season. Of course, James - it was your first ever. James - you are so fond of water, it is amazing. I think you're part fish. You loved the sand, but you liked the water even better. William - you were pretty fearless, you wanted to go out deeper into the water than mama was comfortable with. Victoria is a body surfing goddess I am sure! Thomas - you are a bit cautious. There does seem to be a spark of interest on your part - but you would NOT go out into the water unless I was carrying you!

We have also had some fun adventures like going to Chuck-E-Cheese at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday for no good reason, other than to play :) I liked going in the morning because nobody was there it seemed. We also had fun going to a movie (UP) in Katy. It was a great movie - and we all seemed to enjoy it quite a bit.

Well, if you want to see uploaded pictures - go here:

I love you all - and I am really enjoying our summer so far (except for the being sick part).

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mama feels restless

Okay - kids - mama is feeling restless today. I don't want to be the responsible adult that I am suppose to be. I don't want to do laundry and tackle the mountain forming in my bedroom closet. I don't want to clean out the crock pot that seriously needs to be cleaned out. I am not all that excited about changing diapers at this moment. I am not too thrilled about the sticky syrup that Sir Thomas spread all over my newly mopped floor.

I want to play. I want to swim. I want to do something. I just can't quite figure out what exactly it is that I want to do. It's like when you're craving something - - but nothing seems to satisfy. It's an odd feeling and yes grownups get to experience feelings of restlessness just like kids do.

It is about 10 o'clock in the morning. I have many things that I need to accomplish today. I have some phone calls to make -and some business stuff to tend to. Dishes need attention and baby James needs a bath like nobody's business.

Yet - somehow - regardless of my growing "to do" list, and my collection of responsibilities; I will make time to have fun. I will make time today to make a memory. We will laugh. We will squeal. We will run. We will dance. We will eat. We will makes messes; and we will clean them up. Just like we do most every day.

Friday, June 5, 2009

An Astro's Game

Dear William and Thomas ....

Daddy and I had so much fun with you last night at Minute Maid Park in Houston - watching the Astro's play baseball. Yes, they lost the game - but that's okay. The seats were awesome and the weather was great ... and you boys really seemed to enjoy the whole adventure.

I was a bit worried in the morning because it seemed like neither one of you were very excited about the idea of going to a major league baseball game. I soon realized it's because you have no vivid memory of ever going before (you were much smaller when we went in the past). So I had to talk it up by promising Burger King for dinner on the way; and cotton candy once we got there. Somehow that seemed to spark interest. Then it was all I heard about - all day long.

So it was time to go - Daddy was home - and we were all in the car buckled up. Ten seconds later I hear - are we there yet? Typical - so classic of small children.

Once we arrived - it was so cute to watch you boys stand in perfect silence and put your hands on your hearts for the national anthem. I just loved that image of you ... it is one that will be etched in my brain, for sure.

You boys got so messy with your cotton candy - and were so excited by all the commotion and the atmosphere. There was a playground park area that also needed our time and attention. You loved posing for the pictures. Every time music would play - Thomas; you would just start dancing. It was precious. In the hallway, on the way while we were walking - you were dancing and some strange guy just started dancing with you. It was priceless.

Thomas - you kept chatting up the old ladies sitting behind us. You talked to them just about the whole game - and they thought you were so adorable and so cute. Of course - William - you put your foot in your mouth. One of those ladies was eating peanuts and throwing her shells on the ground - and you said quite loudly "HEY MAMA, that old lady is throwing her peanuts on the floor!". Luckily - she was gracious and did not seem too offended.

The main thing you wanted from our baseball experience were the foam fingers. FOR the longest time, I could not find any. Then, finally - after we were on our way out - we decided to check out the Club area because we had passes. Alas - we found the foam fingers. You boys were quite thrilled at the purchase of such silly things!

My favorite part - though - was in the car - on the way home. Out of the blue, without prompting, William says "Thank you mama for taking us to the game". Then Thomas followed so sweetly with "Thank you Mama for taking us to Astros". Then you two fell asleep. It was so sweet. I loved that one of your last thoughts before passing out was to make sure you thanked us for the evening.

I love you boys - I'm glad we got to enjoy a baseball game together.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Frustrated sometimes

So far I guess I've been writing about all these fun and wonderful things that we do together and all of the wonderful details I love about you all. Yes, it's all warm and fuzzy and friendly and makes me smile to think about all of our adventures, all of your good qualities and all of the ways you make me happy.

But I would be a fraud if I gave the illusion that it is always fun and games and our life is always one big harmonious moment after another. Sometimes you all downright frustrate me. Sometimes I wonder if aliens have invaded your bodies and snatched up your brains. Sometimes I am so exhausted I can barely think straight and I let you eat junk food even though I know you shouldn't - because I have no energy to contest the pleas of begging children. Don't worry - it won't happen often!

It's also challenging to have a baby in the house. Yes, it's wonderful - and it's a miracle -and we adore all the cute little milestones and coos and babbles and smiles. But it's also a LOT of work having a baby in the house. James - you keep putting EVERYTHING in your mouth. It's a constant effort to make sure you're not eating something that can kill you. You also are quite a tall baby - and you can reach a lot of things - and your little hands are creating chaos all over the place. I know this is how you learn and you're suppose to explore your world - and I love that you do - but sometimes I just want you to sit still and stop grabbing my laptop :)

William and Thomas - you bring new meaning to the term "sibling rivalry" ... I love how you love your baby brother James - but sometimes I wish you'd show the same love and courtesy to each other; or your sister. It is awesome how sometimes you are so helpful and so sweet and so kind! Everyone boasts about my sweet little gentlemen and how wonderful you two are. Sometimes, though, I wish you would refrain from whopping each other on the head or refusing to pick up your toys - or sneaking something that you know you shouldn't touch.

Victoria - you are so talented and so beautiful and so creative and SO very fun - yet right now - you have a mouth on you that annoys me to no end. What is with the attitude lately? Everything you say just seems to be whiney or a gripe or a sigh of frustration. One of these days you will surely realize that your mouth gets you into more trouble than anything else. Yes, I know you're 12. Yes, I know you're a pre-teen and this too shall pass. I still love you and adore you - just wish you'd learn to control your tongue now and then.

So what can I say - it's been a day! Just one of many in our wonderful adventure of a life. Not every day is peaceful and easy going. Some days - - I feel like I'm just in survival mode. Perhaps my perspective is a bit off as well because I broke a tooth and I don't feel very well. Maybe I'm not being as patient as I should. Maybe I'm not being as tolerant as I should. And maybe, just maybe - you should give mom a break now and then! :)

Don't ever forget how much I love you all. I pray for each and every one of you by name, every day and night.