Dear Kids:
It is a beautiful brisk and cool morning today. I love this cooler weather. Every now and again I kind of miss snow - but really, not so much. I do love a cool crisp Autumn day though. I actually had to search out some jackets this morning.
James - - you are a mess. You are at that ripe old age of approximately 16 months, climbing and running and into everything. If you can't reach it - you build a tower to give yourself a boost. It is about near impossible to baby-proof this house with hurricane James in our midst. But we love it - you are so cute; and oh so smart. You amaze me daily with the things you figure out. I bought you an incredibly noisy and annoying frog animal thingy yesterday. You love it. Maybe you'll get more noisy and annoying toys for Christmas.
Thomas - - you are eternally sweet; yet eternally blunt. You say exactly what you are thinking; the very moment you are thinking it. Maybe that is the beauty of being four. You told Victoria her breath stinks. I said that was kind of rude and then you replied "well, okay - your breath doesn't smell so good". Too funny. Yesterday you told me I was beautiful and gave me the sweetest kiss. Ten minutes later you told me my hair was too curly. A couple of days ago you asked me why my 'boobies' were squishy. That's just weird on so many levels. But we love you and your cuddly nature and animated antics.
William - - you are my deep thinker and the private soul. You don't like to share what you're thinking, but are more than willing to throw a fit when things don't go quite your way. I do love how you are starting to blossom though; and become a bit more social. You have made friends with the kids on our street and play so beautifully with them all. At night, when I put you to bed, you talk to me intimately and say the sweetest things (but you'll only do this in private). You are doing so great in Kindergarten. Your teacher says you are a joy to have in class. You take your time with your work - you are so thorough. You remind me a lot of your father, and I love every inch of you.
Victoria - - oh my sweet and precious girl at the rocky age of 13. Welcome to your teen years. We've already had more drama than we really need ... but I suppose it's all part of the package. I love your passion and talent for music. You amaze me on that piano. I enjoy the artistic and creative nature you have. I enjoy your talent for cooking. However; I don't enjoy your need to have the last word and your eternal debating of irrelevant points; but hey - it's part of who you are - - and I do love who you are. All of you.
So at this point in time - it is now just back to our own family in our household. We do not have anymore foreign exchange students and I am not working with AYUSA right now. Your father and I just want to focus on our family, enjoy each other and have an amazing adventure within our 60 toe team.